When you find yourself smiling at work while accomplishing the mundane tasks you hate, only because his smile from when he dropped you off hours earlier rests in your memory…
...When he shaves because you wanted him to though he wanted to grow his beard, he did it for you…

Love is not an endless phone call, love doesn’t come in the form of a myspace comment no matter how sweet it may be, love has nothing to do with random texts at 3 am in the morning, love is not how many times you draw their name in the sand at the beach. Real love is something you sometimes can’t physically see, sometimes you can’t understand it, but you can feel it. Love is being able to put them before yourself unselfishly and having no second thoughts. You have to work hard, you have to wait, you have to be patient and you have to be understanding because in the end…that’s love.
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